Separate names with a comma.
Small and cute Dark Red Painted Angler with white edges on it's fins for sell. Bought from Divers Den about 2 mos. ago and is eating slices of...
Frogspawn is no longer available. Thank you for all of the inquiries. [img]
Thought I'd post a photo of a Frogspawn under different lights. One is a combo daylight and actinic light and one is with the daylight covered....
Check out the "my bio cube 14 update video" in the "photos" forum.
Absolutely enough light for everything you've listed and more. Make sure you post a photo when you get it set up. [img]
I don't know how old your tank is, but many newer tanks go through a stage with some Cyano. Keep up on your water changes, make sure your using...
Pm sent, Andy.
I bought several Yasha Gobies from Live Aquaria on 12/27/12. I thought that if I purchased 3 I would increase my odds of getting a male and a...
If you would like me to put you on a list for a future Rose BTA. Please let me know.
Here's a photo of the BTA that I took today. You can see the white stripes coming out from the mouth.[img]
Eric and Amber....I sent you a PM.
Thanks everyone. The Rose is sold.
Free Frogspawn![img]
I am selling one of my Rose Bubble Tip Anemone and will include a free Frogspawn. This is the original clone that many of the Roses in the area...
Took a couple of trys....keep scrolling. [img]
Tank raised Pink-tipped Frogspawn with 6 large polyps for sale for $25. Scroll down for photo.
Brotulid is sold. Thank you.