Separate names with a comma.
So what's the issue with the aqualifter that causes problems with the outlets/controller? As common as a pump as that is, that might be a pretty...
As big as you can fit and big enough for all the equipment you want to put in there. I've seen people make a 40 breeder work. There are also...
that's why I was saying you could look for a 75 or a 90. They are still four foot tanks, but bigger than what you currently have and they are...
If a 55 fits something like a 75 or 90 isn't that much bigger. 48" x 18" footprint. That would be a nice size to set up and "learn" with.
When are you moving? If its a good enough deal and the tank is nice it might be worth picking up and hanging on to until you move and can set it up.
I use a mixture of hard PVC and flexible PVC. That way it all glues up using the same fittings. Drains are hard PVC and the returns have flexible...
I would say immediate needs would be powerheads for in tank flow and a couple good quality heaters. Most people here would recommend a couple a...
looks like a nice system you have going there.
Plan for more flow than you think you will ever need, and you might have a good start. A lot of the newer powerheads are controllable so you can...
Good idea on the vacuum sealer. I have avoided buying it in bulk because I don't have a way to keep it. Only running through one canister a year...
You and your e-mail battles.
I don't remember seeing anything "off the shelf" in a 120 that has low iron on the front glass. Marineland would probably be one of the big...
meteor shower cyphastrea is what it looks like to me.
With a newer tank I wouldn't go to the extremes of removing the sand just yet. In my case the tank had been set up for several years and a period...
does it freely move about in there, or does the design just allow the water to flow through everything better?
phosphate remover, removing the sand, better maintenance practices seem to be winning my battle with the stuff. How old is the tank, and how well...
looking good. Is this one a pretty slow grower for you guys.
That sucks. I'm not familiar with marine velvet. Did you add a new fish to the tank that brought it in, or is that something the fish can carry...
Damn Jim that's terrible. Hate to see something like that happen to anyone. Glad to see you're not letting it get the best of you and you are...
What are your incoming TDS readings?