Separate names with a comma.
Clean your glass mangina, wtf?
I can look and see what Will and I have. We just fragged some more stuff and I know there are a few more that could use fragging. I will try to...
Naw, not your fault at all man, don't worry about it, I'm not mad or anything, it is just weird [img]
Wow, that guy is an a$$hole, I asked him two questions and he flipped out and told me I was too much trouble for $50 and said he was selling it to...
Thanks Chris, I messaged that guy, hope to hear from him soon [img]
Hoping to pick one up for a decent price, having a hard time finding anything under $120 for some reason. Yes, I'm cheap [img] I do not care...
Thanks for all the input : )
LOL, I'm still trying to get rid of the last one, the last thing I need is another wife : )
Ok, I'm giving in and getting a controller. I have not settled on exactly what I want yet, but I wanted to get an idea of who is selling what. So...
Posted By xroads on 06/02/2010 08:37 AM W H E R E A R E Y O U L O C A T E D ? WHERE IS YOUR TACT?
Thanks Jeremy and thank your wife as well for putting up with us. The pasta salad was not as good as it could have been, it just did not have...
Sorry been crazy busy. The pasta salad I'm bringing is fairly unique, I got the recipe from Justin's wife and modified it a bit. It has pasta...
Jay +3 kids Pasta salad
Agreed, the crab is most likely the culprit : )
Posted By JB on 04/20/2010 09:30 AM It's "GIRS" actually, [img] but thanks! I'm sure our MACNA committee will want to pick to pick your brain a...
Sure would be nice of them to implement a RTC in those things : ) From Neptune Support: Without a second hand, I think that you are...
I have found a tank for this, picking it up Sunday. So, I should be sending PMs out the first part of next week to get things arranged with...
Sweet thanks Jeremy, I will most definately be getting ahold of you, I need more green water and stuff as well : ) I forgot to add, this tank is...
I would suggest an RO/DI unit, it should pay for itself within the first year easily. I need to do water changes again in all my tanks, so if you...
I was actually outside at a friends and saw it, that thing was huge, it glowed green for a long time, must have been a ton of copper in that thing!!