Separate names with a comma.
Welcome! Justin the king? wtf? More like Princess Justin [img]
Kylie, a few of us from CR are piling in my car for spring fest, we can swing by IC on the way and grab you if you need a ride.
Question: aside from space saving under your tank, is there an advantage or disadvantage to in sump or out of sump skimmers? I think to use the in...
I will try, but I highly doubt it, I have my kids on Tuesday nights.
Thank you everyone for the input, it is greatly appreciated!!!
I see, well if you get any pictures or more info on the one you have shoot me a PM or something, thanks man, and thanks Kylie!
Euroreef is now Reef Dynamics, they still warranty the Euroreef skimmers and they make their own, pretty much the same thing from what I can tell,...
Cool, I appreciate it. Any guess as to how many gallons it is by chance?
I'm considering upgrading the skimmer on my 90 and would love some input from people as to what brands etc they love and hate, best bang for the...
Haha nice!
Have not heard of yellow, you sure it isn't torch ?
Sweet, thanks Kylie!
I have decided to setup my 90G, but I'm leaning towards a acrylic/glass custom sump, instead of the 20L with the 5G tank inside it that I had...
I know the blue spot and yellow headed (AKA pearly) jawfish both jump habitually. I love the bi-color blenny, not a jumper that I'm aware of, mine...
Thanks again Jeremy, was nice to meet you and shoot the poop for a while, I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions etc about this...
Its pretty orange, kind of a rusty orange color, its a neat color. Of course, I saw it a few weeks ago when it was in one piece still, I liked it,...
My pleasure, was well worth it. So far so good for my stuff!
FedEx just dropped this stuff off, pulling it out of box and checking it all now. Still need to know what time to meet at Pets Playhouse...
Just got tracking info from Fed Ex for this order. It says it should be arriving here by 10:30AM tomorrow, so I'm gonna just take the day off so I...
I love the potters, awesome looking fish!