Separate names with a comma.
Yeah, I broke it again with my latest update. I have a fix about 90% done, but I ran out of time yesterday. I should be able to get it working...
It's working fine for me. Have you done a Control-F5 to make sure you're browser has the latest version of all the site's files?
Jeremy, where are you seeing those encoded characters? I'm only seeing them on the topics list view which is an easy fix... 2
'Quote' "test" 2
Good deal. I just pushed up another new version that fixes a few other minor little things. Hopefully I didn't screw anything up.
One more try... 2
Yeah, that's the same thing I'm seeing. Trying to track it down now.
Another test post 2
Android test post 2
Jeremy, I did notice that my Android client crashed occasionally after posting. It's not consistent though. I'm not convinced it's not just a...
Ok, give it a try now guys. I found a problem and corrected a couple of things that I was doing wrong. It should work better on Android now...
I'd like to hear from from more people using Android. I tested the current setup on my daughters Android via App 2 and I'm able to view...
Ok, there must be another problem with the thread view function. Favorites and PM's aren't going to work. The main forum function is the...
Android client should work properly now. I found the problem and fixed it. Unfortunately, fixing Android caused some minor display issues...
Control-F5 is your friend. It forces your browser to download the latest versions of the script and style sheet files for the current site....
Yep, I did notice that. It's definitely a bug. It's also not adding entries to the Journal yet. Any issues you find like that, please...
Notice anything about this post? 2
I have the first version of this finished and working. Unfortunately, it's not installed on the site yet. I developed it for a newer version...
@Andy Dreamweaver won't help with anything related to Tapatalk. Dreamweaver creates web pages. Tapatalk uses an XML-RPC API that sits on top of...