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This is a reply to my old topic under apex questions but for some reason the topic was locked................. so if you dont know what is going...
Think of it this way, Im a NON MEMBER and i am in this hobby and i have been for a long time, I have questoins just about every other day on...
This of it this way, Im a NON MEMBER and i am in this hobby and i have been for a long time, I have questoins just about every other day on...
mthomp he tried to point me in the right direction so yea i would consider that help. Even saying "i would help you out if i knew what i was...
so basically what your trying to say is i have nothing better to do then to get on here and ***** about something that i see going on and try to...
seems to be just me that its happening to??? HAHAHA scroll back a couple pages and read the rapidleds thread. BECOME A MEMBER AND I CAN DO IT...
funny thing, I posted the same exact question on reefcentral and i had someone reply within 27 minutes and he didnt even know the answer to my...
Hey Guys, this isnt just about replying to non members theres been MANY times iv got on this site and saw NON MEMBERS ask a question and ALOT of...
Yeah I read that a couple days ago, he's asking a simple question and doing the right thing and trying to get others opinions before buying it and...
i know theres alot of people on here that have the apex but because im not a paying memeber my questions dont get answered and im use to it iv...
Moneypit and Djvanzuuk I agree with both of you thats exactly why i havent joined in the past year and a half, and thats also why i havent been on...
i have a couple questions, When setting up my email option on the apex i put some stuff in there and it will send me 10 thousand emails and txts...
if shawn doesnt take it ill buy it tonight my cell phone number is 515-460-7134 Thanks
ok thanks for the info
thats what i thought but a reefer buddy said its not good to use and i have been fighting algae problems for a while now because of my phosphates...
so i was wondering does it matter if you use the white pvc or the "safe Drinking" grey pvc for a return line and a drain line? i know if the white...
Im looking to buy a 6 foot t5 light setup or something similair its for a fish only so it doesnt need to be anything special just looks good and...
I do run a light on my sump when the main lights go off the sump light comes on and I also drip kalk every night I just wasn't sure if the ph...
So just recently i noticed im having a pretty big PH swing from night to day at night say 2am my ph will be 8.01 - 8.05 and mid day say noon it...
Hey Dave if they don't want your rock let me know and I'll take it from you I'm in Ankeny