Separate names with a comma.
What type of sump are you using? do you have a refugium space or are you just using a berlin style sump? If you have space for a refugium style I...
Do you have a recycling orasump set up with macro algae? If noted your nitrates are 0 you have either equality tests or you are not cycling...
The crackling on the edges as in crazing? Cloudy spidering to the seams? Map gas is a big nono. Burns way to hot. I use propane mini torch for all...
Ill look to see if I have a good spot for it in on of the dts though you could always store it in my frag tank. Plenty of room in those!
Before you go fragging it up You need to know that you can kill the entire colony if you go hacking around the mother colony. Its not a matter of...
I will be fragging zaos this weekend if you wanna stop by. Explaining communal growth is a little difficult even with pics.
Is this still available?
Sent too soon. You will want to use a carbide or wood hole saw, and go want to scrape layers away and not melt it.
Same concept applies, physics is physics with regards to fluid dynamics. Obviously not going tonus a diamond drill bit though.
Its reef safe so yea. The question is why you olan to use it. Are you not using ro or rodi water
Ophiocoma... Ophiure... Maybe a Ophiolepsis... def an Ophi of some sort. Is it stripped or a solid colour? Looks like its got an extra...
You will want to stick to plain old cheap vodka. Any additives will only serve to damage the fish and the oils from the peppers will titrate...
inch and a half is a HUGE hole. I have a 1 inch on a 40 that cycles 700 gph with plenty of overhead to spare. With that being said what kinda...
Thats pedal (pee-dull) for those interested.
Pedal laceration, is the best bet. Anty time a mushroom (rhicordia) moves it will leave a small chunk of its foot which will grow into another...
I thinking recall seeing a set at eds... ill stop by and let you know.
Lowe's didnt have any in the lighting isle? I am pretty sure ours does. You could try an ace... Also I may be thinking t8 lights sockets.
IMO I would not start a reef tank at anything lower than a 40 breaded.that is just my preference for depth of field. Other than that the smaller...
I am terrible with the colloquial names for zoo color morphs... but I have some blues grey blue and some blue with pink centers and some blue and...
Your LfS should be able to order it for you. At those dimensions your only choice is a 20ultra tall fr marineland. The ark and divygs are...