Separate names with a comma.
Unfortunately, we had already made plans for the 7th so I will not be able to make it.
I like the idea of raffling off a sump. Maybe Bud can build one for the raffle and then explain what he did as a presentation.
I'll take it - PM sent.
PM sent. Sorry to hear you are getting out of SW. Hope you plan to keep the freshwater rays!
Doesn't matter what you're moving, it still sucks. At least it won't be aquariums - LOL. Good luck on the move and in the new location!
I have been using Reef Crystals because it's cheap, available and we were getting it for club buys. I'm also having the brown residue problem AJ...
They seem to be healing nicely. I'll wait a couple of more days and see how they do. Thanks for all the input!
+1. I don't have many frags but will be happy to help as possible when he gets back.
Couldn't find my RBTA where it normally sits and figured the worst. Then I found 2 much smaller RBTA's. The siblings seem to be healing and...
+1 on NPS.
It can be a long way from an outlet to the pump placement in a pond.
JB- It's been almost 6 months since you completed the awesome looking LED setup. Hope it's running as well now as it was when you finished the...
Did you learn that from Kennedy or did she learn that from you? LOL I'll take 1 RC.
Hey Bud I'll take a couple more. I'd like at least one FOWLR if you have any left or the Reef is good to.
You'll have to check when the meters are open during the week. Meters on streets leading into downtown are no parking from 7 to 9 AM (not sure...
Ankeny is as close as or closer than several of the towns mentioned. If you get something going in Ames I'll try to make it.
I should be there around 3:30.
PM sent
Matt, do I still have time to get an order in?
Looking for suggestions for a pond pump that moves about 2700 gph @ 5' of head. I've fried a HY-Drive 3200 and a 4000 over the past 4 years. The...