Separate names with a comma.
I would be down for a frag demo.. I have two extra bags of diy food if anyone wants them, 5 dollars a piece or trade
I am now at $85 and already used my gift card to get another tank, so anyone who has a big list can join me and use their gift card. Looking at an...
Haha seeing a green mandarin was one of the first things that got me interested in saltwater! I was determined to get one, no matter how much work...
Sold. Thanks alot!
CN-89514 Chalk Bass - Medium 14.99 CN-80766 Kelp on Rock, Grape - Medium 34.99 SE-47701 Australian Big Polyp Blasto Purple, Single Head -...
That and the rest of the ones I will post were still images, often set at 10 fps. But i'm sure you can grab stills from video as well. Youtube...
sorry having problems [img]
[URL=][img][/URL] this isnt working
Stillll for sale, when open now about the size of 2 softballs, four heads, $40
Is their enough interest?
Never mind, out of stock. But I am still interested in that rose nem of yours when you have time
Have you ordered yet? If not I am looking to get something as well
I'll take one when I go back up for the anenome
I got it in late December for my tank and snowboarding, but mainly for diving. Will be going on a cruise with plenty of snorkel and dive...
3 inch long medium African Midas Blenny, got him off live aquaria in early february, he was eating after a day or two, and feeds very well on...
Yeah, most that I have been looking at have had shorter though
Will trade for bubble coral, or anything really, keeps stinging other corals
Could you send me a pick of the monti's? looking to trade a frogspawn
i'll take a few the next time you frag, let me know when!