Separate names with a comma.
i came across this nitrate filter by aquaripure. was just wanting some info on it. says using one of these is equal to do a 50 gallon water...
Has anyone ever used the BFS calcuim and alk. dripper??????
i also have a m.h. and mine flux from 75 to 79
so i woke up this morning and my hippo tang had barely any what i believed to be ich spots on her body. i i have decieded to do the garlic dipped...
yes the tang is still eating like a madman
i am going to to do a 40% water change tomorrw as im taking the fish out and put it in a 100 gallon that i have and then the next week im going to...
ok fellow reefers...this is what i have decided to do!!!! i am setting up a qt tank tomorrow right after work and treating the fish seperatly....
would you sell this for cash?
Hyposalinity and Copper-Based treatments???? the ich dies on its own???
anybody ever use aquamaxx gfo???
i can get ro water from hyvee and do a water change immediatly..but do i have to qt all the fish and treat the tank with something??
ruby reef make a product to control ich that is "reef safe" has anyone heard of this??
i have been using tap water is why my phosphates are too high i kno that is dumb now...and yes i have a 29 gallon tank i can setup to treat the...
ok not only is my birdsnest dying!!! my phosphates are too high!!! and now hippo tang has ich i believe!!!! what is the best way to approach this...
FilterI have an old canister ... anyways I can utilize that in phosphate controll???
Oooo. Ya I do that... i have these phosphate beads that I have in a filter sock right before my return in my sump...don't seem to be doin much good
I have a 90 gallon and I run a 45 gallon sump with. A remora in sump skimmer.. needing a gfo jus haven't gotten one yet.....will probably get a...
i have a 90 gallon reef tank and was wanting to get a ro unit.... what size would i need??? are they hard to install??? can anyone give me some...