Separate names with a comma.
Army dog I need to get it cleaned up first but it runs great it's what the damsels are in rright now that I'm bringing you. But I'm needing to get...
Planning to sell my 8 gal bio cube soon which means my cleaner shrimp will be joining my fire shrimp in my 29 bio cube. Do these guys generally...
Damsels gone pending pick up Saturday.
I have two yellow tail blue damsels I'm looking to trade. The are in much to small of a tank and I'm also considering selling the tank they are...
I'm considering setting up a 20 gal long to make a frag tank of items from my 29 bio cube. I have everything I need really for this set up other...
Yes the plastic is still there from the original lights.
I'm looking to add two more led strips to my current light fixture. The lights was a diy project I got from someone else. It was done and working...
Are the actual led bulbs on a strip? I have a 29 with led strips and looking to add two more white strips but have no clue how to find them any where.
I'm so excited about this. Will be great to have a salt water store in cr!!
Very sad. His family are in my thoughts and prayers.
They aren't all mean. I had one before that was never mean.
I purchased a half picasso clown and reg clown in Dec. Sadly the regular clown did not make it at my six line harassed it and killed it. I know...
This is interesting.. I got leds on my tank back in sept and I have bad hair algae I pick it out constantly. My lfs whom I bring all my problems...
Eric and Amber Depending on how things work out maybe I can pick one up for you from Dubuque and meet you at SOM with it when I get my other items...
I'm wondering the same? They are sweet. How much are you asking for one?
I haven't gotten any responses from roman or salty yet. I appreciate you being willing to bring things to som thou!!! That will help me a ton!!! [img]
Oh what kind of mushrooms does Pete have he might want to sell? If he has any purple or like hot pink I would buy some depending on what he wants...
Pms sent. Eric or Amber waiting to hear back from salty. I' m assuming that is Pete? I do not need the dragons eye as I already have some. Picked...
I will get back to everyone after I'm off work at 5. I'm interested in all the offers above!!
Hello. After my mishap several months back I finally have my tank backwhere I want it. Now I'm looking for a few things I had before and want...