Separate names with a comma.
Feel free to stop by still and pick up your share. Im sure we will still be here around 7:30 at least I will I dont plan on leaving after the...
If anyone else wants to show up let me know and ill get you my address
snowman ill pm you my address just in case you can make it
I am going to pm everyone my address if you have any questions let me know
It will probably be around 2 hrs
i start drinkin cuervo ill have some new stories to tell
Im gonna need a few beers to talk about it, lol
Ill be there! I could use a drink!
Adams is on 42nd st if your on 235 just get off on 42nd st and go north 1 block its on the right
Well I wish my tank could be on the tour but it crashed this weekend and i lost just about everything so I will have to withdraw my name from the...
email sent
I like DFS if something is DOA or dies within guarantee just call and tell them. They dont hassle you or want a frozen fish sent back they just...
Welcome to GIRS! We have some good events coming up in the Des Moines area. May 2nd we have a tank tour and May 12th will be making fish food at...
Well Its not looking good for me Im on call this week and gotta work late tonight, sorry. Sooo it looks like no one is going to be at this one,...
Count me in!
i would take a couple anything but orange
Just wanted to let people know adams has tank raised bangaii. Its always a pain to find tank raised ones. So props to him for helping the hobby...
I love my astronaut gloves and use em all the time, but for my clowns i use the tongs to keep him in his cave. Otherwise he wont even let me look...
Well i forgot i had some plans that weekend that i cant back out of so i cant be a part of this one maybe next year.
Pretty much lordofthereef we visit different members homes to see their tanks and setups. Its a great time we have some awesome tanks in the area!