Separate names with a comma.
Sorry Travis it's sold, this stuff would probably be a lot easier to sell if I was near CR or DesMoines though [img]
[img] [img] Retails for $100 asking $80 can ship for additional $10
[img] 75 gallon qt setup all included with LED, Filters, meds, pvc test kit, mag float and heater ready to go everything in pic for...
I still have most of this available. I'll get some pics up today.
I was a bit confused for a bit, I believe your a referring to the Scopas tang Thyravan is interested in... correct?
WOW that's a great deal wish I was closer.
What type are you looking for? ballast to light or ballast to wall outlet? I have several laying around, there are many different types, what...
I have a few things sitting around for sale from quarantine setups I used. 75 gallon aquarium not drilled bottom, back and one end painted black -...
Japan? really? I guess I didn't catch that.
Ditto, some of the other characters as well.
I watched it, didn't you guys read my Don't forget reminder thread that I posted on here Saturday?[img] I thought it was pretty good, the...
Fish Tank Kings premieres this Saturday Don't forget to set your DVR, I'm excited to see if it will show more of the husbandry involved with...
It's still crawling around acting normal, just looks a little odd. Looks a little like the missing legs are starting to regenerate some already...
Looks like it should be a pretty simple install then, let us know how it goes. FYI when you cut the tubing do not use a scissors you do not want...
Did you get the quick connect adapters to go from the 3/8" to the 1/4" and back? You would need 2 of them.
That's a lot of valves Floyd, why do you need so many???
Thats completely up to you if you want to run 2 of them. I don't see the need. Regarding your question, the pressure tanks only have one line to...
It could be a change in water quality that could stress fish it's really hard to say. The UV isn't going to kill the ick unless the flow is less...
No need to add a 2nd RO unit. Why not just tee off the output of your current RO run one line to the fridge and the other to your DI canister for...