Separate names with a comma.
Very happy with everything. Except for a very very small leak on one of my overflow bulkhead fittings. Not the bulkhead but the screw in adapter...
A couple pictures of lights. [img] [img]
[img][img][img] A couple pics of the lights on the tank.
This is a Fowlr tank build. I just purchased the 2-36" Current Orbit Marine LEDs. I'm impressed with the LEDs very happy.
Thanks. Maybe one day I can participate in a tour of tanks in the QC area.
Finally got this long awaited build setup six months later in it's new home. Plumbing [img] [img] Eshopps R-200 sump [img] [img] Let's start...
Let's start building a stand. [img] [img] [img] Can't build it strong enough [img] [img] It's holding water that's a plus. [img] Time to paint...
Anyone in the QC area, Just setup my 135 fowler and I'm needing more Liverock. Kinda on a budget not looking for the best stuff. Bigger pieces are...
Son of a gun. I wish I would had see this before now. I'll order off the home page. Thanks for the update.
I'm in even though I have a fowlr tank.
How can I get one or two of these?
Interested please send pictures 515-two 0 -18eight7 thanks.
Interested. Pictures would be great.
Still have any rock left? Interested Where are you located?
Thanks for all the referrals. Went to sea of marvels and Coralville bay. Both nice stores, what a great day to check them out.
Any good fish stores I should go to while I'm in Coralville Iowa?
Anyone have a DJ Power strip they want to sell?
Let me know what day this weekend will work for you. If we can meet in Iowa City just off 80 at route/hwy1 exit that would be good or whatever is...