Separate names with a comma.
Ick will not affect starfish or any inverts and will die off without any fish host in the aquarium in about 6 weeks, 8 weeks is better though to...
"2' or 6' no ones wrong here" ? tell that to the electrical inspector that there is no difference between 2' and 6' Mike I'm not trying to argue...
Mike, You said it right there. If a surge trips them what does it do? One would assume your saying that it protects from surges. Posting...
Depending on how high the light is above the tank, how many led's and their brightness you may want to use different lenses to focus the light...
The 70 degree will spread the light out another 30 degrees wider than the 40 degree lens. If your looking at a half circle (from light fixture to...
Mike your first statements are wrong GFCI's do NOT protect from power surges. Telling someone they do is not right. "GFCI's are only required...
Thanks Floyd, I should correct myself, pure water will NOT conduct electricity at all but because pure water is essentially non existent in nature...
I understand that your trying to help Mike but please make sure the informaiton that you are posting is correct. Pure water is very poor...
That’s just not true, GFCI's trip on lost amperage. When the current going out the positive side and back in the neutral side of the receptacle...
The only thing they protect is you. Which a GFCI will do better If you use them, you’ll never know that you have an electrical leak because the...
I think there is 2 different approaches or reasons hobbyist use kalk 1. To simply control Ph with the added benefit of adding small amounts of...
The problem with brightwells Kalk +2 is that Magnesium does not disolve in limewater which makes it really useless in the same mix unless your...
Thanks guys, right now ThyRaven got them if he ends up not taking them I'll go down the line.
FREE school of about 13 blue/green reef chromis from very small to large size. Worth about $100 if you were to buy them. Just came out of hypo...
Awesome! but we need more pictures! My wife and I got married on Cozumel on the beach at the allegro resort back in '04. We didn't go scuba...
Blonde Naso - Wilber Powder Blue - Wilma
You don't want to use the ones with metal parts in them. You can get the correct ones ( swing check valve type) from marine depot and I believe...
It really depends, how big is the fish? how big is the bag? Was pure oxygen put in it or just air? Live Aquaria ships with oxygen and claims fish...
That light is $499.00 on ebay the 24" model is about the $168 you need to use the drop down menu to price the 72"
Are you looking for a flow pump for inside the tank or a pump to pump water through tubing i.e. a return pump? You question is very vague as to...