Separate names with a comma.
To Aaron, the GIRS president, who's mother has just passed on. So sorry for your loss Aaron......
Hmmm, where in the world is Bondurant?!
Wow, I would have thought you were dosing or something already [img] I use kalkwasser and vinegar mixed into my reservoir tank along with an ATO...
Almost 100% sure the shrimp didn't kill the fish, he was just cleaning up as any good opportunistic feeder would do. Sometimes a new fish will...
Can you post pictures here?
Total pest, they're called tulip anemones and they will sting any other coral they come into contact with, spread like crazy, so get rid of them...
Ok, thanks for the quick reply! I was referring to your other items when I asked about shipping; wouldn't expect you to ship 300# of rock [img]...
Your rock turned out nice! I think I might like it, but need to know how much you have? Looking to partially fill a 135g tank and we're about 2...
Yeah, I consider it a small miracle if I can leave the tank for a week and have nothing go wrong [img] Sorry you lost both, that's too bad [img]...
pictures to please
I've always treated my hippo tang in tank for ich the 2 times he showed signs of it and it worked well. I just feed him frozen food enriched with...
Ditto on the copying and pasting of the links, on the link icon and paste them there so your links are clickable [img]
Ah, sorry to hear your selling it all off [img] Hope your puppy is going to be ok? I might be interested in your Tunze stuff; wish I had the...
What do you feed and how often?
Ceiling fan? Do you have a sump? Not sure why you couldn't hook up a couple fans......I have a 75g with a sump and a fan on both the top and in...
Sorry, tank catastrophes are the worst. When my tank has crashed, I just keep doing water changes and see what pulls through- you'd be surprised...
D*amn it! We're going out of town this weekend [img] Yes, we're going to the Shedd Aquarium, BUT, we wouldn't have to drive 5 hours to go to...
Did you move the picture with the zoas in Photobucket? The link isn't working anymore.......nevermind, now it is
I'd like: Natural Reef Aquariums by John TullockAquarium Corals by Eric BornemanThe Reef Aquarium Vol 1 by Charles Delbeek and Julian...
shrooms favia sps zoas I might be interested in some of your you know the common names of the zoas you have?