Separate names with a comma.
All very good info.... thanks. Just have to make the decision. I am really leaning to a new skimmer and new return pump, I like my current set...
Well the mag drive 24 is a power hungry 265 Watts - one pump for my whole system The Octupus Skimmer is 30 Watt and I can get an external with...
Need some opinions, I am trying to set up a more energy efficient system, I was thinking of changing to an Octopus Extreme Series EXT-200 skimmer...
SOLD - Pending pick up -- Bela
You woould have thought they cleaned up their act but guess not..... that said I did hear sometime ago that they had issued a check back to a...
PM Sent~
I have one 54W 48" ATI Pro Color Bulb - NEW, used only about 5 min, I don't care for the look it gives my tank so its now up for sale. $20 for...
I knew it was only a matter of time.... had heard somethings about a year ago, supprised they made it this long!?!?
Anyone know if the Petland in WDSM is closed for good? Went by last week and a sign said something about management has temporarily closed the...
How can I replenish the food for my Mandarin Goby?? I have had him about a year, he wasn't healthy when I got him he cam back and looked very...
Should be there - might be a little late but plan on stopping in.
Joel Can you put my name on a Red Eye Monster Challice and bring it ti FF or save one for me to pick up from you sometime in DSM!?!?
Jtown is a good guy.... I have done business with him several times.... always fair and honest!
dang.... am I gonn a have room for all these people????? Might have to stand in line outside!!
For those coming to my house... not sure how many cars there will be but I have room for about 4 cars in my driveway, that said the streets are...
I know that I have talked to a few new members and suggested the tour.... sign up guys and gals!!
can get you a 1/2 cup or so if need be.... I am gonna be out of town tomorrow when were you thinkin?
How much sand do you want? I could probably get you some out of my 120, I have plenty of dry sand to replace any I take out but I still wouldn't...
Posted By tgauger on 10/15/2009 10:55 AM dont see any cholula in there tho... not that hot but excellent on taste... Thats my go to sauce for...