Separate names with a comma.
you may need to acclimate the light... put some screens in the way,and slowly remove them over 3 weeks- or raise it up high, and lower it a bit...
"Well unfortnatly the flame angel has decided to be a PITA and start nipping at sps polyps" Once they devolp the taste, it is downhill....
keep us posted- can you link the thread?
The main thing is if you do a pile of rocks, it takes 10 time the energy to get the water flowto keep things clean- and that is the first step to...
right now, for club members- for the good of the club. Davenport. sps and ricordea acccpeted though [img]
pruning time! I have a lot of Chaeto (10 gallon tank 2/3rds full) Who wants it? healthy sps or ricordia donations accepted, but not needed [img]
one big one is no rock against the glass. My tank has 4" clearance. 2-3" may seem restrictave in your case, but your water quality will thank...
that would be Matt H. All the Matt M colonies should have been picked up or hold removed. so, there are some ways we can move about this in...
I am catching up on all the build threads this week... I am really behind [img] pardon any repetition for the chaeto, you will have to...
Good! Most of this is hoping to set this up for the future. I live pretty close, so assumign I am not overwhelemed wiht work- I can usually...
They did have a 1 foot+ mili I was not interested in.. but not from suppliers but, point noted. colonies. "large" was meant to say...
BRad, here are the pics for you- every one else.. bad cell phone camera pics- colors not quite as deep as in real life- but a taste of what we can...
oh ok- didn't realize you had them in QT The other way is introduce the most aggressive last.... give the peaceful ones a chance to get a...
mary, the last one I am trying decide on (and looking for people on) now is a blue acro upper left in the main tank facing the counter.. $130-...
likely 70-130 divided by# of people [img] If we do this on a somewhat regular basis... we can cherry pick things pretty well.
So, in AE yesterday- they have some very nice large colonies of SPS. The more that sell, the more Adam will order. We are hoping locally we...
AJ... Catching up a little late here, was a but too busy to post when my tank was on repair, and life was crazy [img] but EXCELLENT CHOICE OF...
I should bring pictures of my tank under the repair direction of BRad....[img] I still need to buff out a few areas on there....
i will post more in the coming days, but- yea- my tank had some issues that almost destroyed it. thankfully I caught it in time and fixed it.
how about you cover the back on the hood with netting? tulle, eggcrate, etc. leaveit open for air, not acrobatics.