Separate names with a comma.
obsessed I'll send ya a message.
I think there are several people using BP. I personally don't, I use K1 media. I run 2L bottles of the K1 on my tanks in the sump, I have one...
I did- but I bought them last year in miami. The link above should get you there though! Do know the hotels fill VERY quickly though.
If you go bb, it's my experience to favor snails not crabs... they have a hard time getting about on such slick surfaces. But if you want them,...
all my breeder tanks are bb, biocube is a reef and is large grained sand.
dang- why so far away!! blah! If you weren't so far I could seriously use that!
jstngates- sent you a pm.
Travis G- I'd say don't quite on the club on the account of one person's comments.. +1 drama doesn't help anyone. [img] We like having you...
eric how much you wanting for it?-- didn't see that listed?
albeit a bit off topic, but since we're talking about molly anyway! well for all those who missed out on Molly as a door prize, there...
how they doing? I guess, I should ask how your doing too!?
+lucky bamboo. nice one under the front counter, and their awesome over there. But here's a picture of my last tank like that is now sold and...
+1 on refugiums as well, I can regularly shake a wad of macro algae into any tank and feed a nice chunk of live pods/reseed any tank! I think...
I've always used garlic as an appetite stimulate as well blackx-runner... garlic has been rumored to claim a boost in immune system. But,...
I add fresh pressed garlic cloves to ALL my food, as I make my own mash. My fish don't have ich at all, and eat it readily without a problem.
if you can't get a good picture, then you can always do a google search saltwater ich, and provide a link to a fish that looks to be of similar...
I buy my ROE in bulk from reed mariculture (when I place my other orders)... might be able to ask your LFS if they carry other reed maricultures...
you would have to put a good size uv on there for it to do any real damage against ich... 36-40w with low flow. Personally I think if you just...
I'd say if it happened that quick I'd look at alternative culprits. Not rulling out ich, just would look closely at it first before jumping to...
yeah, I'm pretty sure I'd have a heart attack if I found a helfrechi for $14 at Petco, I'd buy every one they had in stock! Helfrichi...