Separate names with a comma.
That's great news, I hope I have money left after MACNA!!
I do 40w 50bl for a few hours and than 50w 60bl for two hours and than back to 40w 50bl. And at night I do 1w 3bl
Very nice! Good luck cleaning it, I know I wouldn't want to stick my hand in there[img]
Easter plans changed to out of town so I can't make it................
I have 2 over a 46 bowfront for a few months now. I have them 15 inches above and I run them at 50% with no problems. How many AI's are you running?
I am placing an order tonight. I can order the zoa rock for you but not sure how you would get it. Living in Williamsburg and work in Cedar...
The rock looks like it's right out of the ocean.................not good. There's usually people in the group selling live rock, I would wait...
I miss Beavis and Butthead.....
Say it aint me some zoas!
I'll be there!! Do we get take home the samples [img]
Great work Andy! We should make you the clubs offical photographer and make it offical with a T-shirt [img]
I had a great time, thanks to everyone who helped put it together!
Thanks for the help, I jusr re-uped!
I joined last year around this time, how do I renew?
I won last year and love my Typhoon. THANKS SO MUCH!
This may be your only chance to go being so close to home. Well worth the $50! [img]
I had a great time, thanks everyone!
Anyone going to the meeting that has zoas to sell? If you do shot me a pm.