Separate names with a comma.
Blue leg crabs, emeralds, certh snails, nassarius snails should all do fine, some may say red legs but the ones I've had in the past liked my zoas!
Hey David, check with AC&C, they might have some or be able to get it for you, save ya on shopping.
It used to say Cedar Falls!!!!!!!
Mine looks just like that! Coppy cat! Yeah RIGHT!Jeremy (waverz) still has him or her beat on how much equipment you can pack into a stand!!!
I see you live in Cedar Falls, exactly what part of town do you live in?I'm interested in the entire set up but ain't got a dime! Would you take...
Thx guys!
I'll just keep my opinions to myself from here on out.
Thanks man, you don't have to go out of your way to stop at the store, you pretty much covered it.Thanks again!
Looks like 2 a year- I'm on Casey's page, time for Waterloo/CF to host one.Any ideas for the venue in our area Casey?
I looked that up Jason but I don't understand it, can you explain? Can you stop by the store tomorrow after work?
What is that Jason?
Who here is using titainium heaters? What brand? Best place to purchase?I've been using Jagers for years but they are hard to adjust and I'm...
This is the response I was hoping to get from this post.We learn from it and move foreword to better it. I am by no means "hammering" anyone, I...
I had a great time at SF! I worked at the store for the last two so it was nice to be able to attend again!I got the opportunity to meet Mike our...
Yep, shipping prices are dramatically different from one place to another.
I couldn't agree more with you Bela!This very subject came up one day at the store, and I feel some people use way more chemicals then is really...
got it
Can somebody post directions to spring fest from the Waterloo area? Please.
My prayers go out to you and your family.
How the hell did I loose out on this deal?Thanks a lot !