Separate names with a comma.
If you want to embed a video in your post, copy the Embed code from YouTube or Vimeo, then put the editor in the HTML mode (bottom left) and then...
Just sting the ability to add images and video with this editor. Feel free to join in the fun.
You'll probably need to switch the editor to HTML mode before pasting it in. For images you can also use the "Insert Image" button on the toolbar.
Maureen, I've added everything I can at this point. On the active topics page there is a drop down list (top right) that allows you to select a...
You don't. Unfortunately there is no way to do that.
My kids got a Wii U and so far I'm on the fence about it. It seems pretty buggy. Lots of problems with games freezing and the the Game Pad...
that the value for City is displayed in the user info for any forum post you make. The word "Private" will appear for any category of users who...
So what did everyone get for Christmas? My big thing was a Nest thermostat for our house.
Banned! [img]
Thanks, it's getting there. Hopefully by tomorrow night I'll have the rest of the site in place and operating. -JB
I've just added another bit of new functionality to the website. The "Reefer's Q&A" is a place where users can ask and answer questions related...
Unfortunately that module has not yet been updated to work with our new software. I will add it back as soon as it's made compatible. In the...
This was mentioned in the upgrade notification thread that I created last week. There is no conversion tool to move from the old PM system to...
Clicking on the Logo or the About GIRS tab will both take you to the home page. There's going to be a lot more stuff on the main menu before...
Please post any bugs, problems or questions you have with the new website here. I'm sure there will be many as I continue to get everything...
FYI, My plan is to start this upgrade process tomorrow morning. If all goes well, the site should be back online later in the afternoon or...
Bump. This is the thread I'll point everyone too later this week when they start complaining that their Avatar and PM's are missing... [img]
Additional forums are something we've considered before and I'm sure we'll do so again. It's kind of a delicate balance between having too few...
Everyone, please take a few minutes to read this post it contains important information about changes to your GIRS account and access to our...