Separate names with a comma.
Added the algae magnet to the mix. Forgot I had it. Ideally looking for something of the same quality, just smaller for my 29.
I think that just about covers everything. If anyone wants some more pics I would be happy to add them here. [img]
Algae Free Magnet [img] Rubbermaid [img] Tang [img] One of the Gen-x pumps (other is boxed, but can get pic of that too if need be) [img]...
Been putting this off namely because I have so much on my plate with work and school, but here we go. For those that don't know, I downsized to a...
That's a generous offer, but I would have to take the day off of school or work, or both. I also really need something with a lid. These...
This is sort of off topic I guess, but here goes nonetheless (feel free to move if deemed necessary). I'd like to borrow (or buy if price is...
Rapidled was the place I was looking at. Have heard good things and their prices look good. Maybe the reason people aren't using reds and such is...
Depending on how heavily you stock that 55, a bakpak might not be sufficient for you. My very first tank was a 55 with a bakpak. At the time I...
Well, didn't take as long to read as I thought it would. Unfortunately it still leaves some questions unanswered. I am not sure how it was decided...
Thanks for the link. From a quick scan (I am at work), it looks like he went with 24, which is closer to what I had in mind. Hopefully there is...
I am thinking of jumping on the DIY LED train. I got myself a little learned on electrical stuff and how to wire things together. My main concern...
I just sold my G3. Wonderful skimmers these are, especially on a budget! If you are needeing a beefier skimmer grab this guy! [img] PS> What...
Great... and I have $40 credit to them due to some items missing in the original order. Guess I will never see that money now...
Not sure. What I do know is that polishing can pretty quickly change your optics (things will become all distorted ie. bigger, smaller, kind of...
Just thought I'd chime in that a single 1200 running biopellets in a tlf 150 reactor is working great for me. Didn't work so well when I had a...
I only run carbon, but I honestly didn't really look. I would say I have about 6 inches. I put enough so that none of the carbon media is rolling.
Any pics available?
Joe, it might be too much, but I have a 1440 koralia evo if you need to borrow one for some flow [img]
We live in ames and have a room for 1 or 2 people if anyone needs it. I'm also wondering how the volunteer thing will work? I thought I...
Joe, I can guarantee that your pellets will clump if you T things off. this is basically what I did and it didn't work. I needed a dedicated...