Separate names with a comma.
sweet grabing them first thing tomorrow. Thanks!
I have alot of tiny star fish that are brown and also blue. I recently discovered they are eating my zoo's. Thanks reeffrreak for the info you...
You know I have alot of things I would frag but I am not sure how the auction works and Im really new to this club so I think I will just sit this...
It is already set up. It is one of the tanks I clean and he doesnt have much money to spend on anything but I finally convinced hiim to at least...
I need to get some lights for a 220. Not sure what I am going to go with, basically whatever I can get for the best money. So if any one out...
Yes I am willing to frag for 10-20 each depending on size pretty big though at least 3" piece
Not sure on the name but it's sweet!!!!!!!!!! [img] [img]
here's a couple and some purple mushrooms [img] [img] [img]
Good thought but if you think about it everything we do daily is depleting the earth in many ways.
KIIRA MY 5 year old American Pit Bull Terrier watch out she bites. Shell take your ankle right off HAHA!...
I heard that singing really does help haha. On a more serious note usaully when connected there will be a very small spot on its base that is not...
Im in Cedar Rapids the Southwest side
Well I feel stupid here is the official results Nitrates 10mg/l Nitrites 0 My salinity is at 1.025 using a hydrometer, refractometer is on...
I am going to retest the nitrites and nitrates in a minute Im not sure if that was a typo or not. All the fish were peacefull swimming through...
This has no relevence but I did watch the hawk fish swallow a neon goby whole it was pretty neat really expensive meal!
I like to have tangs but I have never had more than two in there at once. The naso was with the scopas. They were fine with each other. The...
Hawkfish it too small to eaat anything except maybe a clown goby. The shrimp have only been in the tank a couple of months. No change in amount...
Same shape but doesnt look the same really a smooth slimy surface that just gets bigger when it is out no polyps extend from it.
Ihave a Large pink Soft coral not sure what it is. It was sold to me for 80.00 as a dyed pink slime coral (Lemnalia). I am almost positive that...