Separate names with a comma.
I don't know what magnesium is at (the test is a pita [img]) but my alk is about 3.5 meq/l.
It's around 8.5 with the light off, then creeps up to about 8.8x at the highest......strangely, none of the inhabitants seems affected at all by...
So I've been adding kalkwasser to my top-off water to keep my calcium etc. up where it should be, as well as vinegar to help keep the pH from...
The last point "Are you publicly offering a service at a price?"; wouldn't everyone selling something then be labeled commercial? Seems a little...
Although pretty, I think some fish are better left in the ocean until we know more about how to care for them properly.......there are so many...
Nice! Can't wait for my frag of valida to grow out as big as your colony!
Welcome to the site [img] Where are you located? Its a good idea to subscribe to the subforum in your area so you'll know about all the local...
Oops, meant #7, that's a FINE chalice [img] Does it have more than the one mouth/eye? How long has it taken to get that big (how big is it exactly?)
Beautiful stuff [img] What are the names of the 1st, 4th and 5th ones?
Yay, glad to see this thread up! Looks good, some nice stuff there [img] The 5" wave would have freaked me out too, lol!
Were these going to ship Monday for Tuesday arrival? Just wondering, because ANOTHER FREAKIN' SNOWSTORM is coming our way Sunday into Monday...
You have to put them in water and let them become water logged.......I've weighed down driftwood and/or pried it underwater until it becomes water...
I really like that green cap all grown out like that and the toadstool too, very nice, lots of color!
Clowns have been known to host just about anything. When I just had frogspawn and not a lot else in my tank, I had a maroon clown that seemed to...
If you're interested in something, please PM me..........
Yep, purple ones with a blueish center. The frogspawn isn't huge, maybe the size of a softball(?) If your tank is really crowded, it may cause...
Would like these gone asap, by this weekend for sure, if possible. Located in Riverside, about 20 minutes south of Iowa City, 45 minutes south of...
Yeah, he took it off my total, no problem [img]
HERE is an AC3 with temp probe and DC8 for $280 shipped-good price!