Separate names with a comma.
I am in needing of those. If you have any sooner let me know I'm interested for 4-6 bergia. I been wanting to get from this club. Tresea breeds...
What refugium or size are you planning to put in there?
Looking awesome!!! I'm trilled to see how it turns out when its all done. [img] Nick
Next time if you forgot the camera, we can use my phone. It shows clear pictures. Just a plan b! [img]
Thanks Joe for educations! Looking forward to contuine for meetings [img] I lost ur text number when I got new phone. Please pm me with your...
I had good time. Great to meet new faces. Brian thanks for host and welcoming us for frag show. Great tank! I see some corals that I really want...
I'll be there.
Now, Makes me want to research on how to make rockwalls like yours. It looks really amazing! I bet it felt good when its all done. [img]
Great! I'm in, just let me know when and price. I'll be there! [img]
I agree with this statement but I understand Andy's point of view. I been to petland few time. I wasn't very please with them. Honest with...
Magnesium is in the range of 1200 - 1300 ppm in natural salt water. What are your preference at target level??
Thank you for the meeting, really enjoyed learning new things. Fish went crazy over food than I've seen them before. Looking forward for next fun...
I used 900mph with koralia 1, it does work but I have black clownfish pair swims in the back and front area most of time. Till after I put Vortech...
Strange, I unable to find to send pm. Let me know how many heads you have on one frag. I been looking for orange frogspawn for quite a while!...
I'm interested in buy orange frogspawn and I will be at spring fest. Pm send in shortly!
Count me in. I always work on Saturdays. Sunday works best for me. Let me know when you finalized set the date.
Yes, it was nice meeting all of you. Joe, thanks for welcome to your home and show how vortech works. Looking forward to see you guys agian....
What a day! I didn't get all this message till now. I end up unplug and turned heat up like you guys said. Then I left my phone home. I just said...
This morning when I feed fish and got shocked. I track down what's is causing shock, and it was titanium heater! Great! I have to work and I...