Separate names with a comma.
ok so I was pretty close guesstimating, I've got most my micro algae's running on CFL at 2600K so I was assuming it be around there. I've read...
Turbo- I'm assuming needlepoint mesh from hobby lobby will do the trick? and have you found an optimal light spectrum range for growing algae?
sending pm on light.
TANK- 31” deep, 18” deep, 20” wide.
Armydog- how old is it, and what do you want for it, you can pm me. Reefman- Yeah the AI is just bulky for what I'm needing... the top...
I'm looking for a light for a 48g tall needs great depth penetration. Thinking of the kessil lights (would really prefer this) but open to a few...
I had a cherub pick my zoa's all the time. But out of the 2 I've owned, 1 was a picker, 1 was not. so take that with a grain of salt. [img]
Id be interested in the clown (pending on size).. gold or white stripe?
Ok sorry I miss heard him... sounds like he wants a kessil not an AI... needs to go 3' down.
Hey jstngates- I might be interested in these, need to check with my husband to make sure that's the AI he wanted.. (it was one of the AI's I...
Yes you should, those are much more resistant to wear and tear...especially in terms of alkaline water resistance. These are just cheap ones from...
yeah it's a cheap alternative when you have lots of SMALL tanks...I have not tried it on anything larger than a 29g though...
Nik we do make our own and they hold well... granit these are all on smaller tanks though, I wouldn't recommend going this route with larger...
We have a 1" bit **** BUT*** MOST bulkheads do NOT fit this size... all though we are in Ames. We tend to make our own bulk heads because it's so...
I've drilled over 20+ holes with the single bit I own ... still going strong and expect it to last a while still. I had never drilled before and...
There are currently 3 Naso's co-habitating in the pond (1800g) at the Ark up here... all are fat and healthy (despite cyano in the pond). I'm not...
What brand is that skimmer? more info please!