Separate names with a comma.
The baking soda and drying steps aren't necessary. The rock itself neutralizes the acid
Tony Vargas is another good one, he was raising corals years before general hobby.
I dipped all my rock in a muratic acid bath, and no ammonia spike or anything. 1 part muratic (30%HCl) to 9 parts water, soak for 20 mins or so,...
Like the post says, looking for a 120, doesnt have to be pretty (going to be a sump) but has to hold water
Skimmers you could have some fun with. Buy a ready built unit, and possibly build one DIY like we did in the old days. Teach the concept, build...
Ames isn't too far out of my way. I have a load to pick up in Ames still. If it would work maybe we could meet up Thursday June 20? I have...
I am looking for some critters, need CUC and some other life, pods, brittle stars, ect for a 55
For strictly scientific purposes, I would so 2 seperate isolated systems. When doing experiments, need a control... My $0.02, 2 isolated systems,...
I personally plan on doing the absolute minimum water changes possible. Past expierence tells me that the less we monkey with our tanks the...
Yes I live in Colton SD, and I have 4 kids in Tri Valley Schools
I will be following this close, I would love to get a program like this going in our school district. I really do know how to spell, too bad this...
I will take the RO unit. Pm sent
If there are any paly or zoa remains on the rocks, they release toxins with the steam. To deal with the crud on my rocks, I mixed a gallon of...
I went to see Morayeelhead, and I do believe he has 200 lbs of wet live rock in totes waiting to go. I picked up around 80 lbs dry from him, good...
From ice on the road to the food on the table, everything is better with salt. Sent from my phone
How big are the sumps? any way to ger dimensions?
i would love to take your pair of cowns, just need to find a foster tank to keep them in for 2 weeks
I don't have any corals in the tank, I will be getting a bubble tip anemone, and will have 5 or 6 fish. Sent from my phone
Sending pm, I will take the digital timer strips and the 2 korilia 4s.
I got a Coralife 48" 2 tube T5HO on my 55 gal FOWLR. I am trying to decide on new bulbs for the fixture. My choices are 10,000k, 20,000k, 50/50 or...