Separate names with a comma.
I will help wherever I'm needed. I can do av but I will do anything!
I will pick it up if its still for sale!
5 is pretty small. What you using it for joe?
I was aware that the natural host wasnt a BTA. I just was hopeful. It almost seems out of place to have a clown and have it not hosting. I had...
I have a 180 with a purple, desjardini sailfin tang, powder brown anda yellow. They love eachother. I did the sailfin and the powder brown and...
Are there any tricks or ways to encourage hosting? I have picasso clown and I have a rose tip bubble and I was hoping they would meet up. In my...
So I believe this process must have been cyclical (if that is the right word). Or better put possibly a process the wellso was going through....
I agree with DOSING and CONTROLLERS. I have a controller and I know if I had some expertise I could take much better advantage of it. Also, I...
actually XXL Probably. Depending on Brand or whatever
I would get a hoodie. I dont want any info on it other then GIRS stuff. XL
I moved the wellso into a shadier spot. I will watch it and report back. Thanks for the quick replies!
Ok, one at a time! Lighting is a pheonix 250W metal halide. There are 3 of them. I am not sure lighting is an issue. I think this might be...
how about thoughts on feeding? I don't direct feed it. Should I be? I feed cyclopeez as well as a variety of frozen flake and pellets.
Bela. Reading! He is there wednesday not the weekend. You can ride down with me
I'm interested!
My wife works in fort dodge! How much would you like for the rock with 2?
I want to have a lot of ricordia in my tank. Let me know what you would be willing to frag me. I have cash in small qauntities!
I'm telling you, check out RC. They have some awesome deals. They might even still be there in 22 years when they allow you to view them. Check...
I don't know what an aquaclear 50 is but I have a couple emperor 400s if your interested.
Hey check out reef central there is a bunch for sale. They're practically giving them away!!!