Separate names with a comma.
sounds more like you made friends with a zoa eatting nudibranch than water quality, of course I'm no expert....i barely know what im talking...
Sadly it is what it is, in this hobby if someone has to "help" you be interested....chances are its just not the hobby for you.
Nick I was left out of the list of people your dad knows and I am sad......that is all!
Anna I tried really hard to convince my wife that we needed those black clowns but she would go for it
I was also wondering if the vendors and sponsors we've had over the past few years will get any type of discount rate for the macna event as...
So the only chance for club members to sell in 2011 will be the spring event or to get a 700-900 dollar booth at macna?
So there will be both MACNA and Fall Fest in 2011? Or did I misunderstand something?
Will club members get any kind of discount for the event?
Thanks to everyone who put this on we had a blast. Couple beautiful tanks were raffled off
I'd take one, I'll be comming down to DM for a graduation next sunday and could pick it up then. Shoot me a PM if you have one to spare
JB we have Analise the hunter and Besty our druid so far. Both on 52, if you need a healer just let me know
theres a reason there stuff is so cheap, you fill in the blanks
jb you should look us up some friday night, we do an icc run almost every week
how old is the tank your pulling the rock out of. Usually this is what happens after a sand bed crashes, either way if your sand is black its not good
pm sent
craig did you finally convince jesus to speak at fall fest?
I bet I can guess it
Only girls play's a fact man
i have a 50 gal rubbermaid laying around
there should be two o rings in that pump. one on the big round circle, and one that goes inside that smaller black screw on piece, if there old...