Separate names with a comma.
how much?
Are you planning to run a calcium reactor?
356 payments of .99 cents?
you dont need a calcium reactor do you?...i really like that tank
I still have a dual 400watt halide setup (PFO) with cords, 2 moguls, 2 reflectors. I also have a warner marine 150r recirculating skimmer. I also...
I'd be interested in the rest
I would seriously consider turning that ca rx down before it blows up. You shouldnt need any more that 20 to 30 bubbles a min with a steady drip...
just the normal ones, spiders maybe?
I have a dual 400 watt pfo set-up. It's a few years old but still works fine. I have the ballast, cords, reflectors and moguls. Looking to get...
No one needs a skimmer?
You might want to save up for a new pump as its pretty common for the pump to burn up after being modded, from what i've read the pumps are...
I have a Warner Marine R-150, it's a recirculating skimmer so it can be run in sump or out of sump. As of now it needs to be cleaned and I need to...
Lighting, heat and a lack of water movement are usually the main causes. I don't know what your running your temp at but if it higher than 76 I...
I hate to be the A-hole of the day but those aren't blue hornets, nice looking zoa non the less but not hornets...
Are the prices you listed what your looking to get, or are they the actual price for the item if it was new? And what are you looking to get for...
thats a mushroom and a kenya tree
What kind of skimmer are you looking for?
Hope everyone got what they wanted for Christmas this year, have a happy and safe holiday!
where you from and what kind of pump was it?