Separate names with a comma.
Posted By CyberJester on 01/27/2009 09:18 AM Posted By apjohnson on 01/27/2009 09:03 AM So are you saying that Bobo's has closed? I have not...
I might be able to. Once it gets closer I will know more.
She's one of the big shots for EIAA. When I was a member of the club she was the one who took care of the monthly news letter.
Well if Fawn's a stop now, I'm thinking Rick should be one also since it's only 15 minutes or so from Fawn's down the Highway. Congrats Fawn!...
I run 10K, and I can't tell the difference of the wall behind my tank when looking through the tank or next to it. It's like crystal clear with...
I think it would be alright to have this as a club event. But here's the status for the QC area. No one showed to Feb's meeting Monkey Man...
I remember you wondering if you could trust ebay or not. Who was the seller again?
Can it be this little worm like the one found in a British Aquarium? I would be too scared to go near it, let alone try to catch it.
Posted By lordofthereef on 04/01/2009 07:27 PM Couldn't you get a check valve if you were worried about that? Yeah, but $20+ the hassle of...
Posted By apjohnson on 04/01/2009 02:38 PM I've been told that there should never be a on/off valve on your return line that it degrades your...
Better not be looking at me and my girl.[img]
Looks good. You might want to add a spot for some activated carbon to help the filtration, or just put it in a meshbag. Watch out for the...
I had this Rio 2600. I grabbed it at AE it was all they had at the time when I was getting my plumbing together
WOW! That mag 12 has major balls. I set up my 55 and decided to mix salt with it so I can do a big water change and try out my new pump. Feels...
If I can find a good hole to place it in, then it's good. But with caps, I usually take them off.
When you're done, can you put it in a girls shower room at UNI?
I'm going to try to make it up to CR this weekend to grab those clowns from Troy's tank, if I do I'll take a green cap or two.
Look at the dates.....:) Happens all the time
Posted By CyberJester on 03/27/2009 08:13 AM Don't forget to tell'em "Large Marge" sent ya! *Gulp*