Separate names with a comma.
I will take the AOG. I will be there tomorrow.
I am driving and I am pretty sure we will be going through marshalltown. I will let you know for sure then.
sorry my bad. I forgot they went up to 50.00.[img]
Only hobbiest though.
I know at SF we let people share a table as long as they only had 1 tank.
A booth is 50.00 dollars, but you are more than welcome to share one with some-one.
It is my understanding that we will not turn away any hobbiest. Although this is cutting it close [img]
Added some coral today. [img][img][img][img]
They are to help move water from the back of the tank.
Also, I found out that orange Rics can live up to 4 days without water. My nephews (both CC grads [img] ) did my rocks and failed to see the rics...
Well after 2 leaks and some settling time. I added some fish today 4 Clowns (they have been together awhile and get along great!)[img]...
That's what I was thinking John[img].
Never knew that yellow, sailfin and naso tangs would eat zoas? So basicilly any of my fish execpt the clowns and damsels will eat zoas???????????[img]
No emerald crabs or any shrimp. No nudis either. And what do you mean about new addittions without a dip? Will a dip stop fish from eating zoass????
Damn you Matt!! Now I want to try one! Maybe this winter. Looks great by the way!!
Of the following fish who do you think would be eating my zoas? 4" Niger trigger 3" Dragon wrasse 2" Pygmy (Cherub) angel fish [img]...
Moved to Des Moines are forum to generate more interests possibly.
Water slowly filling up. I can only make 100G at a time. Should be done tonight.[img] Plumbing under tank into wall and downstairs.[img]...
We will be leaving from Ankeny around 8 am, right?
Just keep my Regal Tang happy till Friday, I will be in Coralville from 9-1, hope that time works closer till 1 would be nice.[img]