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pm sent
If mouths were wide open and gills were discolored I'd suspect oxygen... but man that's a short time. I usually use bucket transportation for my...
Here in short is the kicker.... if no one can step up to lead it, good discussion or not.... then it can't get any further than just that.
ha ha...Thanks sponge, it's an addictive learning process! I'd hope one day I could support more of our LFS and both the stores and myself could...
sending pm
I have a bonded pair of Occe's that aren't quite breeder size but their at least 2yrs old... just starting spawning courtship although no proven...
Maybe we should hash out some of the 'point' scale before we call to a meeting though... ??? New thread maybe?
I personally do clowns, banggais, red spot cardinals, and neon gobies. Snails, shrimp, and emerald crabs. Nanno, tetra, and T. Iso algae along...
Ok no problem... I can understand that. If you ever reconsider let me know. [img]
I would echo that... most my females do this with their mates.... just continuously courting dance this way.
Hey do you know if you have a female or male tiger pistol shrimp... and how large is it currently?!?! Looking for a mate for my female pistol and...
ha ha... I'd take the buckets but none of it's contents! lol.... [img] Good luck!
phishncoralz- can you send pictures of that red plant to me ( I'd like to see what it is and get some if it's what I'd like.
oh yeah.... put some extra empty shells in there with a variety of sizes. [img] Then hopefully they won't be ripping out live critters for their...
feeding emerald crabs. I have several spawning crabs and need them for both parental diet and a for the stages (past settlement) in the larvae.
Ok, odd question as it seems like 99.9% of this hobby is how to get rid of hair algae... but does any body seem to be haveing a problem with this?...
would you be willing to meet at fall fest with some of these items? including livestock?
I just found this paragraph on MBI describing a pretty good scenario to consider.... Join the Marine Breeding Initiative Are you a club or...
oh man Chris what are you trying to do to me! you do remember I have a 1yr old? right? lol... I'm not so sure I'd like to run that part, but maybe...