Separate names with a comma.
And is there going to be a separate section were documentation/proof will be? Many people already use MBI (marine breeders initiative) or MOFIB...
yeah I'm with turbo- already have 2 ro's don't need a third. But good luck selling it though!
well stink, sorry I missed out on that one. I'd have certainly grabbed them then. Bummer. Well hopefully I'll come across another pair. [img]
oh snap... that's just awesome. Well, if there is anyway I can get my hands on those talbots, that would be ideal! Unfortunately I can't get back...
Andy- I thought you said you didn't know if those guys had mated.... DID THEY MATE FOR YOU JUST AFTER I LEFT!!! Did I bring you good fortune?...
I'll keep my eye's and ears out! Sorry this happened!
I've got the marineland LED submersible 'hidden' lights... personally I love them. and the cost is a bit less than the competing products out...
ha ha... if you deliver I'd take that deal! but now that I've already made my rounds... I'm sitting tight until fall fest!
Does anybody happen to have a 20g long / 29g stand, preferably wood (light color) that they are wanting to part with, cash or trades... looking...
did you guys do prizes? I thought we left pretty close to the end... and I didn't see/hear of prizes? [img]
bearsareawesome did you ever send me pics of those fish? jstngates- need a price on that UV please... Need responses by 9am ish......
I use chemi pure as well. I did notice though, with any tangs that had MHLLE already it did seem to make it worse. And although there's still a...
I agree! It was good to see everyone and Eric and Amber - thank you so much for hosting! flwrbed- good to see you on here! [img]
OH NO WAY... I'll have a 1 yr old with me, and there is NO chance of surviving the day alive with this kind of drive if I add that in there......
I'd like to see pictures please, will be heading that way this sunday... if it'll work for what i'm looking for that would be nice!
no problem I guess it was just an honest mistake then. You said I was first in line and I was basing it off of that... but no problem. I think...
bearsareawesome- I do have a fair amount of clownfish right now, but I'm always looking for new stuff at good prices so send me pics and info if...
Alright trip set for Sunday Oct. 13th here's the route I'm planning on.... let me know if you've got something for sale along the way!...
If I can get an upgrade here pretty quick, I'd sell ya my 14g biocube. keep me in mind if your still looking... I can let you know when I find...
incuplayer did you ever receive this shipment?? What the heck happened with this? original poster wont respond to me, so i'm guessing something's...