Separate names with a comma.
OMG you got a kid with your setup?! Was she a hitchhiker? [img] Na really, I have to agree, I was going crazy with my 24/7 pc work stuff I...
What kind of skimmer ya got?
anyone seen any follow up on this story yet? always wanted to see it, hope it doesn't destroy it completely [img]
Just plain fukin retarded....
OMG it's global warming!! It's affecting the fish!!! :0
I wonder how many lifeforms will die because of that article... heh
I was gonna say, look at the crazy fish I found this morning!! [img] [img]
Cool, tyvm [img] I can't really tell from the pic, but what color is he? Is that spots too? This is what wiki says, I've heard pretty odd stories...
If anyone wants to hang onto a brittle for me, I'll probably be ready for it in about a month [img]
Just get a cat... It'll take care of the birds np [img]
Ahh yes!! A PERFECT example of why I have a job! I goto work, get to my desk, and find out how many more of those new "automated calculators"...
Well SaltWaterloo, I'm still somewhat new to it myself, but in my bazillion hours of reading over the last couple months... I plan to go with...
Assuming you have Windows... Close everything Start>Control Panel> Internet Options Delete EVERYTHING from browsing history (cache files,...
Anyone have any tips? Food/SG/tank size per... Abandoning the FW snail/Ghost shrimp setup...for now.. [img]
Can I bring my 20$ member fee to this, or do I need to pay online?
Ok, PP is out of snails... Anyone got any or know anyone/anyplace that has some?
Hey PhishCrazee, send me a PM will ya, I would like to buy some snails [img] My demand is higher than my supply and all the fish stores in CR are...
wtf lol I'm not into the reef keeping stuff yet, but that was funny [img]
Is Pets Playhouse clean though? I've only been in there a couple times, once to get some bio spira that didn't work, and another to buy...
Ya, mainly for night though... I've got the tank in my living room here with 3 massive ~6ft tall windows, so during the day I don't even use a...