Separate names with a comma.
I will be there joel! Brandon
all ears!
If we are going I will be there.... wanna hear about Austins tank!?!?
come on guys!! there has to be more!! Summer is coming around and may not be all that easy to get together.
Posted By Bill on 05/03/2009 07:19 PM Beveled how? Do you mean ground corners? I guess.... Maybe it because the glass is thicker making the...
Yeah... took some time but it was worth it. I did noticed all the glass on the aquarium had a beveled edge and adds a nice look... do many...
Yes, take out old and replace with ALL new... with instructions on the Internet, the proper caulking and some rubbing alcohol (never used this...
All cleaned up! Worked very well, then went a head and re-sealed the sides since it was clean and dry. Looks as close to new as possible!!
Have family in WDM, I make a trip to WDM pretty often about once every 2weeks so thats good I've checked out Adam's, Petland in WDM, Petco on...
Sure enough - it wipes off with NO effort, thats a life saver!!
Welcome to GIRS! I do have a question... what did you mod your K4's with? SureFlow mod?
Posted By jtesdall on 05/02/2009 08:35 PM Brandon, I don't think the point is to wait for it to eat the coralline away. You would be waiting a...
I picked up some hose from Lowe's, my plan is to use it to make the connections to my tank and a PVC 'manifold' I am building, I also am going to...
Just wanted to see if anyone is up for a few drinks on Tuesday May 5th... nothing big just get to gether and shoot the.... you know. Around...
So its been 24 hours soaking in 120 gallons of water to 2 gallons of Vinegar and not much has happened.... wait longer is there something with a...
Sweet! you guys rock, the store has much improved and with the support GIRS I shop there much more than I did before! One more thing.......
Posted By Bill on 04/30/2009 08:28 PM I just get the clear stuff from the hardware store. You should start a thread about your new tank, I'm...
I am going to be using some flexible hose to connect a few things on my tank in addition to hard pipe. What kind do you guys use, should it be...
Thanks for keeping us posted on your stock list! IMO the above post should be deleted, as we are trying to get support in the DSM area for OUR hobby.
Posted By wolfman1973 on 04/30/2009 11:08 AM i have them too,mainly on the glass.i think it is from some of the snails i have? Some of mine are...