Separate names with a comma.
@Region: Waterloo & Cedar Falls
@Region: Waterloo & Cedar Falls Make plans to attend and let's try to get some activity in the region again.
@Floppy as long as everyone that is showing their tanks is fine with kids. We've had people bring kids before with no problems.
250 deep dimension
i try to keep it 1.025-1.026
If you want to go I would put your name on the list and don't wait around for a group. Spaces usually fill up relatively. It's hard to get people...
I'll believe that when I see it.
@Region: Cedar Rapids & Iowa City All are welcome to attend this event and check out tanks, you don't need to show your tank to join in on the...
Don't know about shops, but for transporting just do it like they do shipping. Corals bagged and in insulated coolers. If you get fish have them...
Cooking it under halides all day makes the house smell wonderful. Just FYI :eek: I now leave the food at the freezer and break off chunks there.
78 ish
Looks really good. I should do something like that with my refugium area. It currently is just some live rock.
It sounds like you are doing good as is. LRS makes some really good foods, and I think they have one geared more toward the herbivore. Those are...
LOL. Those goes straight to the recycling bin. I wish there was a way to opt out of getting them. Would save them a lot of money because I'm sure...
Ok, I guess I assumed there would be some additions to the book that wouldn't be found online. If it's strictly the same content compiled into a...
Doesn't he run wet web media? It would make sense that he takes his online articles and publishes them into his books. You can't exactly publish...
tank tour in a couple weeks for the IC area. Come on down.
I had screen tops, but I had a small gap where the cord for the jeboa was running through. The wrasse found it. I think I'm going to get some...
@Region: Cedar Rapids & Iowa City
very nice. My flame wrasse decided to escape and it didn't end well for him. Really need to fix the holes in the security and find me a pair of them.