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Lonely build... did a rescape [img]
Pets playhouse gets em. I think they had an african yellow this week. From what ive heard the super bright ones are just dye and it wears off
Ive messed with this and had it rewired. Just bought new dimmers and still cant get it to work right. One driver runs half it should and im just...
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Im gettin some NLS thera a from her too!
Once i have more of a variety ill probably start feeding rods food. Sounds like a crazy goos blend
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Wow everyone has their fish and corals on a serious diet! Lol ill be shooting u a text shortly about the food!
Hey all i keep seeing people feeding things that i would eat and wonder what all do people feed and why? Whats in your tank and who requires that...
Bump. Will throw in a blue damsel for the right trade
Bump ill trade for any frags or a single clown or other fish. Cleanin out the basement and need the space
Update time! Found the leather! It was under a rock that the hermits crawl to... and picked up a beautiful misbar onyx semi-picasso clown. Moved...
Yea..... yea.... this might be happening........ 20 long, check. Basement wall, check. Wife bout to be real mad... CHECK!!!!!
$25 but id rather trade if uve got anything
Ive got probably 10+ lbs of live rock for sale or trade. Lookin for fish, nano items, powerhead, or frags. Im in cr let me know.
You can get drywall anchors. Id go for studs. Ud hate to have it fall down into ur tank.