Separate names with a comma.
Joel I need one of the azoo coolong fans, just the 2 unit for $21.69. Here is the link for it...
I will put a list up once I get my account setup. I have seen a preview of what is in stock. Tonga rock and I believe it is $3 a pound There...
I am currently working with a company on the coast on setting up a account. They have alot of stock, fish, rock, and corrals. Once I get a...
Well somewhat easy I guess. 25-29gal bio cube. Great lighting on it, it is a pc system. Currently have Xinia, GSP, a couple of diffrent kind of...
I got him out. I was able to move a couple of rocks and get my longstainless steel curved plant tweezers in there.
I have a 25-29gal bio cube, got about 25lb of live rock and 5 pieces of coral and 3 fish in it, urchin, and star fish in it. I moved some fish...
Looking for a 25+ gallon bio cube, nano, what ever else I guess. After the last epsiode with the 75 devloping a leak. I am just going to go this...
Koralia it is the model 2 practicly new
Everything is pretty much sold except the southdown sand (I did not mean to put $50 on it to), canisters, and koralina powerhead. Make offers...
Dry rock is sold. The T-5 setup is a Ultalight 8 bulb setup
It is the one made by Instant Ocean, it is less than 2 months old. It is rated for 150gal
Ankeny I would also consider trades of a 25+gal bio cube of some sort.
Sorry, my wife has misplaced out camra
Marineland C-360 Canister filter $75 Rena XP3 $85 50lb unopen bag of Southdown Sand $50 50lb of live sand $30 70lb of live rock $175 25lb of dry...
I am planning on having a meeting at my house in October. It is a MCA event, but we can extend it to GIRS as well event if you guys want to. I...
put me down for a box
Have 2 WC pairs and many, many juvies and fry. $50 Or buy the tank there in with them. 30bdr, sponge filter, sand substrate, light, tops,...
I am goo do n corals for right now. The only thing with reds would be the carnation sankeskins. Blue body, red highlights and dorsals.
I have way to many of these. I have singles as well as some pairs that I really need to move. 1 pair of turqouise (Proven) $500 6 inchers 1 pair...
pm sent back with all the options I have to go with this tank