Separate names with a comma.
You don't really need to move anything but the fish. Without the fish, the ich will die off in your DT because it cannot complete its full...
So is this gone?
Why is that? (curious)
"The aquarium is no longer in use, he added, as a bank has since foreclosed on the house." My favorite line of the article! ROFL!!!!
Same. No reason to get fancy with an algae light! [img]
Hmmm. I remember paying $46, although I haven't needed any for about a year. Maybe I just forgot the price. Anyway, no preorder this time, just...
You shouldn't have to do hypo in the main tank. Just let it fallow (no fish for 6-8 weeks). Keep the fish in a QT and keep the display going as...
I was reading what's in it. Frankly, I can't really find any success stories. As a general rule, from all the reading I have done, it is wise to...
Not that this is a bad price, but did they raise it? I thought it was under $50 the last time I got some. Just wondering [img]
Ugh... does ick attack have copper in it? I know most ick medications are devastating on a reef, even those that say reef safe. I would...
SG is also a tad on the low side IMO. What wattage halides are you running. Color temp? How close to the water?
I may be interested in just the tank (assuming you would part out) as I will be needing a QT soon. LMK
Adam, I think you misread my post. I was trying to sell a 150g tank (as I am sure you know since you frequent the forums), but it didn't sell so...
Would you sell just the media?
Nobody? [img]
Well the tank didn't sell in a timely manner, so as I promised myself I would, at the very least, get a FOWLR going since 99% of the cost of...
I have never specifically seen a POWERHEAD that sprays in two different directions simultaneously. I have seen things that oscillate (more like a...
Interesting that one of the main arguments AGAINST keeping lion fish has always been tat they are always wild caught as they don't seem to...
Kinda sad how they end such an exciting article with depressing "the world is going to end" statements. [img]
FWIW bad parameters aren't necessarily going to "kill off" everything in the tank. It is not terribly uncommon to see only some of your livestock...