Separate names with a comma.
Well i have a single 1" drain now and i have to cut back the flow
Ok. I'll try to go without the valve. Right now, I think I don't have enough of a drain to allow my mag to go full throttle. Hopefully with the...
New issue. Just looked at the clips and see that they need to screw into a wall or something. My tank is too far from a wall and the stand to do that
I think my mag will work fine. Im use to how much it heats my tank and right now have a valve that restricts its power a lot. I like the idea of...
Yes that all makes sence. The way you described is how I have my returns on the 40 with 3/4" pvc. Ill go ahead and do it that way again. Ill...
If I were to support it for safety, how would you suggest doing that?
Ok. I am working on a 65g to replace my 40 breeder. Last night Adam drilled four holes for 1" bulkheads, one on either end about 4" from the...
To anyone who hasn't visited his store in progress, you meed to. Its HUGE! And their plans sound amazing! This will be by far the salt store with...
You won't regret it. I love my rose anemone. They are so beautiful. Just make sure you leave a lot of space because one day he'll be 3" but then...
Yay! Thats good to know. I'm in the process of convincing Brian to go up this week. What night works best for you guys? Tuesday or Friday night...
Haha thanks vikubz. I like trying new things and so we usually make a deal that if he buys the ingredients, I get to cook. I'm glad you... I haven't tried very many apple crisps before but this tastes pretty awesome in my...
I have French Vanilla ice cream and plenty to go around [img]
Home made Apple crisp [img] Baking in the oven as I speak.