Separate names with a comma.
Do not want to mislead anyone on the "no sales tax" comment so will explain. We all know we must pay Iowa Sales tax when we buy in Iowa. When you...
Here's another article that people may find least it did pique my interest! More scientific but interesting, especially for...
NP, my pleasure:) There's a lot of information out there for all of us! Google is the best thing since peanut butter :roflmao:
Shipping is overnight with cooler and cold pack. Please message us through : TNT Corals, LLC. | Facebook or!! This is the...
[ATTACH] Rainbow Ironman Shroom $65
[ATTACH]Rainbow Favites $65
[ATTACH]Panty Dropper Mushy. $70 per shroom. Colony $400
[ATTACH] $125 bubble :0) {I have a colony available if interested.}
[ATTACH] $65
I was once that way Craig when it was just red, green,etc and rics coming in. But now there are so many varieties and colors that I like them!!
[ATTACH] $200 grafted capricornis (Have a couple more with more red.Let me know if you want to see them.)
[ATTACH] $45 This is one that encrusts.
[ATTACH] Ultra Dragon Soul Favia $65
[ATTACH] Aussie Rainbow Colony $425 or $70 per shroom
[ATTACH] $425
1. $45 2. $135 3. $215 4. $275 5. $425 6. $325 Bali Shortcake
Oops, don't know why they posted twice. Sorry. I see the prices didn't post either so will do those asap by order. Then, more to come. Spend...