Separate names with a comma.
I would guess all is still on for the 19th?
I had a similar thing in my tank on a rock, seemed to me at night those little tiny star fish with the round body and long stringy legs lived...
Posted By Rustin14 on 02/06/2009 03:04 PM I was gonna wait till I got a bigger tank that was drilled to get a sump but, I dont think I can. I...
Thanks... I will check ebay first.
Any where to get frag plugs or frag 'rocks' locally? (DSM area)
Posted By snowman82 on 02/01/2009 06:11 PM yeah i know, the reason i haven't is cause i'm still sticking my hand in all the time and not sure if...
Posted By wolfman1973 on 02/01/2009 09:32 AM i have had a problem with that also,even with clicking the "remember login" box, but i think the...
Looks like a ground probe. Linky:
I have seen 2 different times 6:30 and 7:00 just want to make sure I have the correct time.
FWIW, I have 2 cleaner shrimp and 3 peppermint and they seem to do fine but I have tons of LR and its a 90!??!? Not sure that helps.
Posted By matthewJ on 01/28/2009 08:39 PM I have heard/read that there are various types of shrimp sold as peppermint shrimp, some being less or...
Posted By PotRoast on 01/28/2009 06:29 AM I vote on the Peppermint shrimp. That is all I have ever used. They destroy anti-pasta. (ha ha) Plus,...
Spoke too soon others do have it.
Just a heads up.... They now have 200 gallon boxes of Reef Crystals and Instant Ocean at PetSolutions... hope some other sited start carrying...
I will be there... shouldn't be a problem if it changes I will let you know.
Where did you get it?
Lots of great discussion... thanks again!
Posted By h2so4hurts on 01/21/2009 05:12 PM The suction cups work great for me. Just have to push them back down against the glass every few days...
I'll be there.
Posted By h2so4hurts on 01/21/2009 10:55 AM MJ mod is way cheaper than the magnums and at 2100 GPH with a Maxi-Jet 1200 you can't beat the price...