Separate names with a comma. I can already tell you I HATE this forum, and its unfriendliness. Why is it so...
NO WAY! How do I get pictures on this?? I thought Photobucket was the way to go?
I haven't taken any solid pictures of my tank so I thought I would take a few to show to all. This is my first SW tank, it will be one year old in...
Haha, "food and reef-talk" I love you're style! IM IN!!!!!!
I'm in shueyville too!
Err, I also tried the PVC, using a drill and what not... Didn't work too well... Marcos rock is really Fragile IMO, but I absolutely LOVE it.
If you use Marcos cement mix, I'm told you have to wait for them to dry and then like soak em.. You could get flat shelf pieces, even silicone...
No way man... That is way to small for those two inhabitants. Even the naso. If you do, I'd highly recommend upgrading to a 180 or larger. I have...
250 lbs lr 250 lbs of sand, tank is 1 year in march. Sand bed is 4-6 inch deep. No I don't blow the rock off like I should. I will implement that...
Yea, I need to figure out my own food for my fish and corals. Anyone have some good recipes? [img]
Oh and my tank is 180 gallons with a 75 gallon sump. I run a super reef octopus SSS5000 Int skimmer as well. I've got all the basics for success,...
+1 If you start at your recommended dose of GFO for your first run, that is a no no!!! You should really take it slow when first introducing gfo...
Haha, Indeed! I have made it here!! Yea thats my misunderstanding. I saw that somewhere else online. I have for inhabitants: 1 Blue Hippo 1...
I'm going to shoot him a message to get a parts list and make my own just like his. Plus it looks really cool!
Floyd R. Turbo made a 3D algae scrubber from acrylic and red n white LEDs. The thing is an algae growing monster!
Add a 50 gallon sump to your 46. More water volume the better. I would think with more water volume you could handle a heavier bio-load. I think...
Yea, I saw Floyds post in RC, and thats why Im starting one here, for the local peeps. I will work on getting the parts for the build this...
Potter, you know anything bout algae scrubbers? I got a post in the local forum..
I have yet to attend any meetings, and I think this is pretty foolish of me. Are you guys friendly enough for a newbie to join [img] I live in...