Separate names with a comma.
Who has experience with Algae Scrubbers? I have a 180 Gallon W/ 75 gal Sump, and I have a ton of HA and cyano. I've heard and read that making one...
So I have been doing a ton of extensive research on Algae Scrubbers. My tank is a 180 Gallon W/ 75 gal Sump. I run Carbon and GFO and I STILL have...
I had a pair of Oscellaris and a pair of Percs, and the Oscellaris killed one of the percs and the other one i can't catch, and they keep...
Haha, this sounds like a task for sure!!!! I put a 2 liter bottle in the tank and cut the top off and reversed it. I put algae and flake food in...
I need a fish trap too, my fish have ich and I cant catch them... [img] I have a 180 gallon tank so there is ample places to hide [img]
I definitely want to treat them, but I can't catch them!! I have someone who is coming to purchase my rock from me tomorrow, and then I will just...
I have like 40 snails, 12 of them being nassarous
I see a half degree in water temp swings... 76 to 76.5... Also, I heard that Hypo will kill LR and my 55 gallon tank has 100 lbs of LR and...
I have the snails, like 12 of em... They do a great job... I dont see any temperature swings because my water volume is so high. My ph is around...
I have 225 gallons total water in my setup.. My parameters are as follows.. Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 0 Phosphates - 0 Calcium - 460...
I was also told that doing a COMBO treatment of Hypo Salinity and Copper was a big NO NO!
My water quality is not a problem... Nor is my skimmer, it was 600 $... Believe me, im not cheap when it comes to my tank... I've got about 3,500...
It's bad, I have been monitoring it for days now.. Speading to my Desjardini Tang, and I think my Yellow Tang has HLLE... My tank is a 180g Reef...
So I have 3 Tangs and two clowns that need treatment, and I do not have the means to house these guys in a hospital tank. Does anyone have any...
I Have a serious ich infestation, and I do not have the $ to afford a huge quarantine tank to treat my fish... I have 3 tangs and two clowns. Is...
Shueyville, and I think 150$ is fair
I have a 55 gallon Saltwater tank with some Livestock that I need to get rid of.. I recently upgraded to a 180 gallon mixed reef, and don't have...
So I have no clue how to post pictures to this thread, or if it will even allow you too. So in that case, I have updated the 180 gallon tank build...
So I thought I would start to post a ton of my pictures from my new 180 gallon tank that I have setup back in march. I have started to add my...
Yep, tank and sump from S O M.... Nice to find a reef community so close to home