Separate names with a comma.
Best person to ask about this is Turbo or Bud! Hopefully he can see this post and give his insight. KP
@Larry Pm'ed you
For sure I am ready...
Lol yep
My tapatalk works fine. Remember if you do get it to work its not seamless, because JB only got it basically working not fully working. He had to...
[img] This is the one I found online at coralife.
What ever you do don't panic. Remember the more stress you put them thru the worse it will be.
Do you have sand in your tank? That is fast acting ich. Never seen advancement that quick. Sounds more like you have fish that sand on them. This...
Doesn't the manual say min .25 from water surfice to out let pipe? Or am I reading it wrong
Cool thanks should be a great party. See you there KP
Optimal water level is suggested. With my Coralife SS125 I had it in about 8" of water and it worked fine. You have to do the break in for it and...
Just remember that posting pictures using mobile devices is hit or miss at best. I use Tapatalk 4 and it seems to work. KP
This site will not do pictures using Mobile anything. Well I have been able to use tapatalk, but other then that its hit or miss. Best thing is to... has some great prices and if you call they are very helpful. KP
I have another Green with Red dot mushroom. Its not this one, but like it. [img]
Ok Thanks Crabbyo and good luck on your training. KP
Sounds great
Roman I will arm wrestle you for the blennys. Crap crap
Pm sent
I started out with one. It will get you by, but like I said you will want better as time goes on.