Separate names with a comma.
price depends on specie... maybe 10 bucks per colored dwarf. online they r 5 bucks
Adam.. u must have been to Matts house.. (Tootime) he buys a lot off of their with excellent results... i keep my eye on it as well...
Does anyone in this club/area raise seahorses? I have set up a small system for them, but now looking for a local to buy from.
biocubes are amazing... i have three going now...
i am interested in frogspawn... please emal me a pict to
JB is right... ive barely paid attention to my lps softie tank since starting my sps tank, i looked at it last week and could not believe the...
a happy goby!! if u can get a tiny bicolor or small banggi cardinal...
I dont believe he ever calimed that te children were biologically his. i am pretty sure the father was micheal jacksons dermotologist.
still available!!!
im in council bluffs.. and as far as pictures... well... its a nano cube so tey all look the same... if u really want a picture ok... just email...
I have a 12 gallon jbj nano cube for sale. I have upgraded the pump. Comes with live sand and the bulbs r about 6 months old. its in excellent...
i have one i dont want and id sell for $50... but u gotta come get it in council bluffs.. i also have a purple bta.. never seen one like it before...
woo hoo!!! congrats! i have a friend in labor in des moines right now!!! shes having a girl too..
waverz.. i have an older model sapphire on my other biocube and i just hooked it up... but i am either missing a part.. or not doing something...
i found one for a 24 jbj nano cube for $75 shipped... i figured i could make a little table for it to stand higher on so it doenst sink.. what...
how dare u tease me.... what skimmer do u think i comparable to the sapphire and fits in a 29g biocube?? and what is a dual recir.......
im looking for a small skimmer to fit in my nano... please pm me if u have anything
i dont remember him ever saying he slept in the nude with children in his bed... but time will tell after they go through all of his stuff.. if...
thats just part of their behavior
i received that joke text message before i even heard the news of his passing...