Separate names with a comma.
Posted By h2so4hurts on 12/09/2008 12:18 PM The one in Iowa city has a wall of 12x12" cubes and a big SW display in the middle with tangs,...
Posted By h2so4hurts on 12/09/2008 09:52 AM I think you should ask for a 20% discount... Haha, I was in Petland (Not buying from this dirty puppy...
Posted By billbigsbe1 on 12/07/2008 08:31 AM Hey whats up! Give me a call and come over, I have a ton of IV drip bags! Also I have 2part that you...
That is what it is... thanks for the help. I assumed it was kind of like bio-balls just wasn't too sure.
I heard and/or read somewhere that you can bake GFO to 'renew' the product. I am in need of some more GFO to add to what I already have in my...
Just that, when I bought my aquarium the guy had been using Seachem's Matrix. I have continued to use it but not sure why? Is it something that...
Excuse me for being so stupid.... OK, now I have ton tons of reading. Seems that I need a way to dose... in the form of a dosing pump for...
Posted By jtesdall on 12/04/2008 08:54 PM Hi Wayne! The meeting went well. Hopefully everyone was able to walk away with some ideas and knowledge...
Posted By jtesdall on 12/02/2008 08:44 AM New added possibility: JJ may come and talk to us about his setup. I will do the DIY automation with an...
Posted By jbrunken on 12/01/2008 04:55 PM How is it that a town like Des Moines doesn't have a great saltwater store??? Really I can only...
Just wanted to pass this on - if anyone is headed up to Minneapolis and needs their 'fix' of saltwater stuff where your in that area. I found...
Posted By jtesdall on 12/01/2008 01:33 PM Sorry I have been swamped. We had 7 people say they would to see a controller and automation...
That is a rather big price increase all at once - bigals went up as well. Bummer!
Currently I am in Minnesota visiting the family but looking at a local fish store promo it seems they have cleaner shrimp 2 for $30 and some other...
Using the 'calculator', seems there are a 100 different options to correct my calcium and mag. [img]
Posted By lee on 11/23/2008 08:43 PM The biggest thing is not to change things drastically. Bring up your Ca/Alk/Mg levels slowly over about a...
Posted By einsteins on 11/23/2008 07:41 PM Here is your additive bible... Use the Chemestry calculator on this page to determine doeses and...
The dosing is where I am getting lost - just don't know where to start. The October meeting really helped, now that I have working test kits I...
If you are willing to split up sometime let me know.... may interested in some parts.