Separate names with a comma.
Just that any Emerald Crabs in the Des Moines area that are in need of a new home?
Well, I will ask this then - what can I use to absorb phosphates that they sell?
Just looking for some ideas for storing my water - right now I prepare it in the garage in keep 3-4 5 gallon buckets filled at all times. I am...
Posted By lee on 10/29/2008 08:16 PM ...I don't think it makes a difference, just make sure you dont use too much. That is kind of what I...
When I bought my aquarium about a year ago now there was some Kent Marine 'Osmo-Prep Marine' in the box o'stuff. Something I should just toss or...
Joel - any of the topics posted are great I am most interested in Two Part DIY meeting, General DIY project meeting or even Controllers.
Not sure this is possible or smart but could I 'clean' my live rock (with maybe a brush) to remove the algae in a bucket of saltwater removed from...
Joel Google dr foster and smith coupon code you will find the direct link to it. I have seen it and used it in the past, for some reason just...
Thanks to all that let us see their tanks, I had a great time. Thanks Again!
Posted By jtesdall on 10/26/2008 08:40 AM Thats fine. Give me a call later. Don't want to inconvenience anyone - I have some things to do on the...
You know it might make more sense for me to meet up at Cagri's house as well. I have been there before and know where it is. Can I call a little...
Please remove me from the order - I had a change, I will keep my eye open for the next order and see if I can get in on that one. Thanks
Posted By billbigsbe1 on 10/25/2008 04:18 PM Getting the meat tonight, just makin shure. 10-12 people eating. Also not many members have listed...
Posted By Nykademus on 10/24/2008 08:58 AM We could just meet up at my car if you wanted. I drive a navy blue, Chevy Lumina. I will be parked out...
Let me know when - I will get a bucket (maybe two) as well I am going through salt like crazy right now and want to change over to Reef Crystals.
Posted By beckerj3 on 10/23/2008 02:01 PM I'm planning to join the tour in Ankeny. Are we meeting at Menard's parking lot about 1:00 - or at...
Thanks - learned a great deal! Tons of great info.
If its no trouble I would take one! Trying to rebuild the tank, things seem to be looking up. Posted By tibbs2 on 10/21/2008 08:01 AM If...
Posted By jtesdall on 10/20/2008 04:49 PM Chris, Brandon, Matt, Jeremy and Jeanette, This is just a reminder for tomorrow night. Please let me...
My tank seems to be responding nicely after the near disaster - most of my corals that are left look VERY good and a couple others on the right...